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Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: fevereiro de 2016
Lorrane Câmara Francesco Gianelloni João Felippe Cury Marinho Mathias André Luís da Silva Leite

“Demand Response: a survey on Challenges and Opportunities”

Higher efficiency and reliability of the electric system are important goals to be achieved. The increasing growth and importance of intermittent renewable energy sources and its massive incorporation into the electricity grid, given the efforts to diversify the energy mix and reduce the carbon emissions, bring new challenges to the sector, such as the need of higher levels of flexibility. In this context, demand-side flexibility measures come to light as a way of improving system reliability and, at the same time, defer the need for investments in the expansion of distribution and transmission grids, reducing the demand for additional generation capacity and allowing the shave of peak demand, resulting in a reduction of electricity costs. Among these measures, demand response figures as one of great importance. It is based on electricity consumers’ capability to respond to price signals, increasing the consumers’ role in ensuring system security in a cost effective way. The objective of this article is to examine some of the main challenges and opportunities for enabling demand response programs, taking some lessons from the international experience. An additional effort is to focus on Brazilian case. The methodology consists of bibliographic and documental review, with the analysis of challenges and opportunities, followed by an investigation of demand response programs in Brazil. This paper was developed under the framework of a project supported by the ANEEL’s R&D Program. It was found that technological requirements of demand response can be a great obstacle, as observed in some of the European countries cost-benefit analysis and in the Brazilian case. The Brazilian experience is by all means only incipient and takes advantage of a small part of the full demand response potential, but even in this condition, shows some positive results in efficiency.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: fevereiro de 2016
Nivalde de Castro Samuel Vieira André Luís da Silva Leite

“Regulatory trade-off between encouraging the improvement of technical quality and recognition of operating and capital costs on the distribution network operators in Brazil”

This paper takes the regulatory impact evaluation of the incentive mechanism to improve the technical quality of electricity distributors in Brazil. The methodology proposed by the Brazilian regulatory agency (ANEEL) follows the concept of the mechanism RPI – X know by subtracting the productivity gains in the annual tariff adjustments. Inside the X factor the regulator has created a mechanism that increases the tariff recognition of companies that can improve the quality of service. However, this mechanism does not have an empirical model that corroborates the estimated results and set in a discretionary manner the limits of incentive structure. In this paper we have created an empirical model that confronts the estimated elasticity percentage to increase (or decrease) recognition of costs following a panel fixed effects model. In this statistical model it is possible confront the magnitude of the trade-off in the structure of regulatory incentives linked to the amount of reconnaissance of operation and capital costs. The results indicate that in some underlying criteria the tariff recognition is insufficient to offset the increased costs that ensure the improvement of technical quality in both perspectives: punishment and incentive recognition for operate with better practices, especially in some immature concession areas.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: fevereiro de 2016
Rubens Rosental Caetano Penna Pedro Vardiero Guilherme Dantas Maria Alice Magalhães

“Development of Smart Grids in Brazil: a multi-level perspective analysis”

The development of smart grids is a complex, multidimensional process, which contemplates the emergence of new technologies, their dissemination and social acceptance, and also a difficult market-creation phase. Such process is therefore better understood through an interdisciplinary approach. In recent years, the approach of the multilevel perspective (MLP) has gained acceptance as an explanatory dynamic methodology of technological transitions; it is based on the concepts of socio-technological regimes, niches and “landscapes”. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the smart grids in Brazil based on the theoretical framework multi-level perspective. The analysis of the status quo and perspectives of development of smart grids in Brazil requires prior knowledge of the motivations and challenges involved. The Brazilian landscape in which smart grids are embedded points to efficiency gains, to the promotion of a more reliable system, and to higher quality as key drivers for the transition, in a context of significant growth in demand. But, it is noteworthy that the current regulatory framework does not encourage investment in network modernization (development of smart grids). Thus, existing smart grid projects in Brazil are currently restricted to early-stage research and development projects, particularly pilot projects.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: fevereiro de 2016
Roberto Brandão Ernani T. Torres Filho Kesia Braga Carlos Rufin

“Financial Regulation of the Electricity Distributors: Necessity and Feasibility”

Since the second half of the 1980s, when electric utilities were first privatized, the ability of the private sector to manage the supply of electricity with safety and quality has become a matter of high relevance for national governments wherever privatization has taken place. In this regard, the severe financial problems that have affected some electric utilities in different countries from time to time, have made it increasingly clear that exposure to financial risk can compromise a utility’s ability to maintain service quality and continuity, and therefore that regulatory authorities should pay attention to the identification and control of utilities’ financial risk exposure. This article aims to explore the factors that could contribute to the financial vulnerability of electricity distribution companies, in order to identify potential instruments for risk recognition and management. This study also proposes to examine possible regulatory policies for monitoring and addressing financial sustainability problems in these companies, a topic which has so far received scant attention in the international literature on electricity regulation. Lastly, this paper will evaluate the feasibility of regulating the financial exposure of electricity distributors.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: fevereiro de 2016
Nivalde de Castro Ana Luiza Souza Mendes André Luís da Silva Leite

“Analysis of the determinants of the Brazilian energy mix”

In 2004 came into force a new model for the Brazilian Electricity Sector (BES). This model was established based on three pillars: expansion of the installed capacity, reasonable tariffs and universalization of the access to electricity. The main change that took place was the resumption of the energy planning for the State’s responsibility, which had been transferred to private players in the previous liberal period. This resumption takes place through the creation of the Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE), whose purpose is the development of studies and researches to support the planning of the energy sector, guiding the government and industry players in their decision making process and guidelines establishment. Among the major studies carried out by EPE is the Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia (PDE), that annually formulates forecasts for the expansion of the supply and demand of energy for a period of 10 years ahead, therefore becoming an important planning tool for the BES. Thus, the PDE indicates the future electricity mix for the sector. However, EPE’s planning is only indicative, making it essential to analyze whether their propositions occur in reality. Therefore, the procurement of installed capacity to be added to the BES and the sources that will compose this future mix need to be investigated. Moreover, with the new model, the procurement of new installed capacity starts to occur through energy auctions. In these auctions, the concession of new plants occurs and it is guaranteed the future supply to attend the demand anticipated by the distribution companies for the regulated consumers. The electricity auctions aim to contract energy with reasonable tariffs. In order for that to happen, the criterion used to define the winner is the lowest rate offered. Thus it is through the electricity auctions that the government coordinates the expansion of the generating capacity and the winner sources will compose the future electricity mix. The composition derived from the results of the auctions often differs from the projections of the PDE, making this differentiation the central object of analysis in this article. In that way, the question that arises is what are the causes that explain the differences between the results of these energy auctions and what it was projected and estimated by EPE in its ten-year planning. The article seeks to make a comparison of PDE’s projections since its first formulation in 2006, with the results of the new energy auctions held so far. Essentially, it seeks to answer if, through the indicative planning and the auctions, we are in fact moving towards a strategic electricity mix for the BES.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: fevereiro de 2016
Nivalde de Castro Mauricio Moszkowicz Lucca Zamboni João Martins Cristóvão Alves Caetano Penna

“Innovation Process in the Brazilian Electric Sector”

The electrical sector is in the eve of profound modifications due to the market diffusion of several related technologies. Some drivers of this transition are: the increasing support from society for reducing carbon emissions; the growing speed of development and cost reduction of renewable energy generation technologies; new energy storage devices; new automation spread all over the network; a dramatic increase of the computational capacity; and new regulations related to energy usage. Innovation will play a key role in the transition process of the electric sector, promoting changes and creating opportunities for new technology, products, system, regulation and business structures. Since July 2000, law 9.991 established the Brazilian Electric Sector R&D Program that states that 1% of the income of the electric companies must be invested in R&D (research and development) projects, 40% of this overall budget stay under the electric company discretion (the Program is coordinated by the Brazilian electric sector regulatory agency, ANEEL). As a result, BRL 13.5 Billion (approximately equivalent to USD 3.5 Billion) were invested in 4,300 projects from the year 2000 until 2014. What were the results achieved by the Program? And how has it contributed (or not) to the ongoing transition process? To date, no systematic and comprehensive study has looked at the whole period of the Program. This study introduces the first insights of a two-year research project that seeks to address these questions and to fill this gap. It presents an overview of the projects that have been carried out since 2000, and develops a unique methodology that will be used to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative historical benefits of the Program. The methodology considers four perspectives: electric companies, electric sector, academic sector and systems and services providers. It will also present scenarios that will be considered to improve the R&D Program and to inform related public policies and regulations that seek to stimulate Brazilian companies to invest in the electric sector innovation process, and ultimately contribute to the sector’s transition.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: dezembro de 2015
Nivalde de Castro Paola Dorado

“O Brasil e o Processo de Integração Elétrica na América do Sul”

O artigo, que faz parte do livro “Integração Energética Regional: Desafios Geopolíticos e Climáticos”, editado pela Fundação Konrad Adenauer (KAS), procura apontar algumas das razões pelas quais o Brasil é um ator fundamental no processo de integração elétrica da região sul-americana, embora não seja ainda possível pensar na constituição de um mercado comum de energia, pelo menos no médio prazo. Na primeira parte destacam-se as razões pelas quais não é possível viabilizar um mercado comum de energia elétrica na América do Sul no médio prazo, ressaltando as limitações impostas pelo próprio modelo brasileiro. Na segunda seção destacam-se as experiências de integração do Brasil com os países da região e o papel que este tem como catalizador do processo na América do Sul. Por fim, a conclusão aponta que embora o próprio modelo brasileiro seja um entrave à criação de um mercado comum de energia elétrica, o Brasil tem um papel estratégico e fundamental no avanço do processo de integração elétrica regional. 
Acesse o livro na íntegra, aqui.


Resumen en español:
El artículo busca señalar algunas de las razones por las cuales Brasil es un actor fundamental en el proceso de integración eléctrica de la región, aunque todavía no sea posible pensar en la conformación de un mercado eléctrico común, al menos en el medio plazo. Para ello, este trabajo se divide en tres secciones. En la primera parte se destacan las razones por las cuales no es posible viabilizar un mercado común de energía en América del Sur, por lo menos en el a mediano plazo, resaltando las limitaciones impuestas por el propio modelo brasilero. En la segunda sección, se destacan las experiencias de integración de Brasil con los países de la región y el papel que este tiene como catalizador del proceso en América del Sur. Finalmente, la conclusión señala que aunque el propio modelo brasilero sea un obstáculo para la creación de un mercado común de energía eléctrica, Brasil ejerce un papel estratégico y fundamental en el avance del proceso de integración eléctrica regional.
Acceder a todo el libro aquí.


Abstract in english:
The article seeks to point out some of the reasons why Brazil is a key player in the energy integration process of the region, although it is not yet possible to think of a common electric market, at least in the medium term. Therefore, this paper is divided into three sections. The first part presents the reasons why it is not possible to structure a common electric market in South America, at least in the medium-term, highlighting the limitations imposed by the Brazilian model. The second part presents the integration experiences of Brazil with its neighbors and the important role it plays in this process in South America. Finally, the conclusion points out that although the Brazilian model is an obstacle for the conformation of a common electric market, Brazil plays a strategic and key role in the progress of the regional energy integration process.
Access the entire book here.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: outubro de 2015
Nivalde de Castro Roberto Brandão Lucca Zamboni

“Experiências europeias de políticas para promoção de redes inteligentes e desafios para o Brasil”

Em texto publicado na Agência CanalEnergia, o professor do Instituto de Economia da UFRJ e coordenador do GESEL, Nivalde de Castro; o pesquisador sênior do GESEL, Roberto Brandão; e o gerente de P&D da EDP Distribuição, Lucca Zamboni; analisam a viabilidade da promoção de redes inteligentes no território nacional tendo em vista as experiências europeias. Para os autores, “aumento no grau de automação das redes é desejável e merece a formulação de políticas e sinais regulatórios específicos para a sua promoção e difusão. No entanto, a massificação da instalação de medidores inteligentes, sobretudo em pequenos consumidores de baixa tensão, permanece uma questão controversa”.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: outubro de 2015
Nivalde de Castro

“Integración eléctrica Bolivia-Brasil”

Em artigo publicado no jornal boliviano La Razón, o coordenador do GESEL/UFRJ, Nivalde de Castro, afirmou que “a construção de uma hidrelétrica binacional [na bacia do Rio Madeira], que estará subordinada a um Programa de Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável (PDRS), pode se constituir em um vetor estratégico de desenvolvimento econômico e social para a região fronteiriça” entre Brasil e Bolívia. Para Castro, o fato da construção da hidrelétrica estar inserida em um plano regional e nacional de desenvolvimento possibilita que as regiões afetadas diretamente pela hidrelétrica se desenvolvam e ganhem mais expressividade na participação econômica do país, revelando um planejamento com retorno a curto, médio e longo prazo e a iniciativa de dinamizar a região.

Artigos acadêmicos
Publicado em: setembro de 2015
Nivalde de Castro Roberto Brandão

“Repactuando o risco hidrológico”

Em artigo publicado pelo jornal Valor Econômico, Nivalde de Castro, coordenador do grupo de estudos do Setor Elétrico (GESEL/UFRJ) e Roberto Brandão, pesquisador sênior do grupo, falam da relação entre a seca atual e a crise financeira com acúmulo de obrigações em volumes inéditos relacionadas ao custo de curto prazo de energia. Descrevendo progressivamente as inovações regulatórias adotadas pelo governo, chega-se ao ponto de discussão atual que é uma solução para o déficit de geração das usinas hidroelétrica. Segundo o GESEL, “as inovações regulatórias introduzidas para lidar com a crise foram bem-vindas, pois mantiveram o sistema solvente. Mas espera¬-se que findo mais este capítulo da crise, seja feita uma revisão cuidadosa no modelo de comercialização de energia no atacado a fim de recriar as condições de confiança e estabilidade para o setor”.